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Visitor Economic Impact
Various Intersection Locations in Union Square
Pedestrian Counts

Pedestrian Count in Union Square by Location

Click dropdown to select/compare Intersection locations. (hover to display values)

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(Updated 09-27-2024)

Total Pedestrian Count

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(Updated 09-27-2024)
Public Transit & Union Square Parking Garage Data

B.A.R.T. Exits at Powell Station

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(Updated 02-06-2025)
Pre-COVID Occupancy Rates in San Francisco: 82%
Occupancy & ADR Data

Lodging Occupancy Rate Year-over-Year and Monthly % Change

Union Square (hover to display data)

Occ. Rate
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(Updated 12-17-2024)

Lodging ADR Year-over-Year and Monthly % Change

Union Square (hover to display data)

This Year ADR
Last Year ADR
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(Updated 09-27-2024)
Parking Garage Occupancy Data

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Retail Sales Tax Data

Sales Tax Receipts in Union Square by Quarter

All Industries (hover to display values)

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(Updated 11-28-2023)

In-Office Worker Occupancy by Major US Metro Area over Time

Click to select/compare metro regions. (hover to display data)

Source: Kastle

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(Updated 02-16-2024)
Jobs and Transportation in Union Square
Jobs decreased by 1,860 over the last 5 years but are projected to grow by 2,863 over the next 5 years.
Regional average earnings per job are $88.8K above the national average earnings of $82.5K per job.

Jobs Trend and Forecast

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(Updated 02-06-2025)
Air Travel to/from San Francisco International Airport
Passenger Flight Data

SFO Air Traffic Passenger Count by Airline

Click dropdown to select/compare airlines. (hover to display values)

Source: DataSF

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(Updated 02-27-2024)
SOURCES: Lightcast, American Community Survey, Springboard, SFgov.org, SFtravel.org, Kastle Systems, BART.gov